4 Benefits of Using Cloth Diapers


Are you currently deciding between using cloth diapers or disposable diapers on your baby? Here are some of the many benefits to using cloth diapers:

They are free of chemicals

Cloth diapers are not just soft against your baby’s skin, but are also made from natural fibers such as bamboo, cotton, and hemp. In other words, they are free of chemicals typically found in disposable diapers, such as perfumes, chlorine, and sodium polyacrylate.


7 Tips to Potty Training Your Little One


The time has come for you to potty train your little one. Just where did the time go between giving birth and teaching this next phase in their life? So, you read a few books and listen to the advice of other parents, but nothing seems to be quite working out the way you had anticipated. Here are a few tips that might help get your little one understanding the concept of going to the potty, and making it there in time.


The Proper Way to Care for Your Newborn’s Umbilical Area


It is normal to be a bit weary of cleaning and washing your newborn for the very first time. You might be a bit skeptical because of their umbilical cord stump. The umbilical cord is how your little one received nutrition while being in the tummy. The area was clamped and cut very close to the baby’s body after they were born. The procedure was painless, however, it has left a little stump that has not healed and needs extra tender care until the stump falls off. Yes, it falls off!


How to Build Your Child’s Intelligence


Parents these days are trying their best to provide kids with the upmost nutritious meals and vitamins that can help support children’s well-being which also includes being able to think like an intelligent kid, every parent’s wish. Most believe that this could be of genetic roots, like how having smart parents would be equivalent to having smart kids. This does not always happen in every case. It all depends on the child’s environment, the kind of food being consumed, the role model in front of the child every day (could be parents or guardians) and the scene the child participates in every day.


Tips for Preparing Baby Formulas Safely

Empty Bottle

The preparation of baby formulas is not a daunting task, but the fact is that you must make sure you mix your baby formula in the proper ratio of it to the water you want to use. This will ensure that your baby is getting the exact amount of nutrients needed for development. On the other hand, it is important to take safety precautions to protect your newborn from food-borne diseases because newborns immunity to germs is not yet strong. Here’s what you need to know.


Ways to Raise Fit and Healthy Children


The best way to get children healthy by mothers raising young children is for them to lead by example. In other words, reveal to them and also tell them why it is important to eat healthy food and exercise their bodies for endurance and strength. Mothers raising young children should also make healthy lifestyle fun and appealing, rather than complaining about exercises and diets, that people don ‘t want hear about.

Discussed here are 5 ways mothers raising young children can raise fit and healthy children.


Why You Should Stay Away From Low Iron Baby Formulas


Whether you are new mother or an experienced mother who have been nursing babies for quite a while, there is need to stay away from low iron baby formulas. Parents, particularly the new ones are always concerned about their babies and what they need to do to meet the needs of their new borns. They often become worried about the nutrition of their babies, after being absolutely happy and wonder whether they are feeding their little one just the right way.
